Give instruction to the wise, and they will become wiser still;
    teach the righteous, and they will gain in learning.   Proverbs 9:9

Faith Formation

We want people to experience God in all areas of the life of the church and then be equipped to live as disciples of Christ.


As adults, we recognize that faith formation is a continuous process for us. We study scripture in Sunday School seeking to understand the Word and how to apply it to our lives. We hear the Word of God proclaimed in the worship services and seek to live as disciples of Christ.

Bible Study

We explore faith formation through focused Bible study. These evening classes are held once a week and give us opportunities to read books or other curriculum that deepen our study of the Word and provide for open, honest conversations about what we learn from the study. (September through May)


The women of the church gather each month for a time of Bible Study and fellowship. One group meets on a weekday morning, while another meets on weekday evenings. The Circles use curriculum from Presbyterian Women. (September through June)